Mandibular reconstruction using a 3D-printed titanium implant with internal scaffolds Ewa Waliczek February 3, 2020June 27, 2020 A female patient about sixty years old underwent a mandible tumor resection with immediate reconstruction using a standard osteosynthesis plate. After that surg... 3D Printing | Guides | Implants
The custom-made 3D implant helped to restore 65% of the young woman’s mandible Ewa Waliczek July 26, 2019June 27, 2020 Last month we were asked to collaborate in planning a mandibular tumor resection associated with concomitant reconstruction of the damaged area. Due to the pati... 3D Printing | Guides | Implants
Restore the face after cancer Ewa Waliczek January 17, 2019June 21, 2020 The experienced orthopedics team conducted a very extensive maxillofacial tumor resection followed by a reconstruction of the bone defect using a vascularized f... 3D Printing | Guides | Implants
Surgical guides – a tailored solution Ewa Waliczek January 3, 2019June 21, 2020 Patient-specific surgical guides are designed based on preoperative planning in guideline of the surgeon provides greater security of procedure. Benefits of the... 3D Printing | Guides